
Common Ghoul

Common Ghoul (Ghoulhood Subtype)

Standard ghouls are spirits who possess or inhabit a plush body. These are the most commonly found ghouls in all of the realms.

  • Fabric is easily accessible to the spirits, so it just makes sense to use it for a body. These bodies get ripped and torn easily if the fabric is not a durable material or meant for heavy use. Ghouls will often carry a needle and thread with them to do emergency repairs

  • You need a Common MYO Token to create this type of ghoul.

Mandatory traits for this type of ghoul
Each subtype has a specific set of traits that are required.

  • Any type of hood or head accessory
    A hood is classified as a garment of clothing that covers the back and sides of the head. It can wrap around the wearer's neck and/or be extended to become a cape or cloak. Hoods with zip-up closures to cover the face are also allowed, along with hoods that have a built in balaclava/mask.

  • Any type of filling
    Fillings can include foam, polyester stuffing, down, and anything else used in plushies. Ghouls may also insert weighted beads into certain areas like paws and feet to prevent their spirit from becoming buoyant. Unusual fillings can be anything from rocks to actual meat. Depends on the ghoul, but fillings tend to match their personality.

  • Any type of closure
    Zippers, buttons, velcro, snaps, hooks, buckles, and stitching all count. Closures are what keep fillings where they should be!

  • Any type of tag
    Tags can be anything from clothing tags to something like a cattle tag. They can also be anywhere on the body, but have to be visible. 

Modern Ghoul

Modern Ghoul (Ghoulhood Subtype)

Modern Ghouls are spirits who possess or inhabit a plush body. They are the second most commonly found Ghoul subtype in all of the realms.

  • Fabric is easily accessible to the spirits, so it just makes sense to use it for a body. These bodies get ripped and torn easily if the fabric is not a durable material or meant for heavy use. Ghouls will often carry a needle and thread with them to do emergency repairs.

  • While Modern Ghouls and Common Ghouls have similar trait requirements, the main difference between them is their lore and character! Modern Ghouls often prefer to live in Novitas where they can enjoy the luxuries of modern technology, possibly similar to what they had access to in their past life.

  • You need a Modern MYO Token to create this type of ghoul.

Mandatory traits for this type of ghoul
Each subtype has a specific set of traits that are required.

  • Any type of hood or head accessory
    hood is classified as a garment of clothing that covers the back and sides of the head. It can wrap around the wearer's neck and/or be extended to become a cape or cloak. Hoods with zip-up closures to cover the face are also allowed, along with hoods that have a built in balaclava/mask.

  • Any type of filling
    Fillings can include foam, polyester stuffing, down, and anything else used in plushies. Ghouls may also insert weighted beads into certain areas like paws and feet to prevent their spirit from becoming buoyant. Unusual fillings can be anything from rocks to actual meat. Depends on the Ghoul, but fillings tend to match their personality.

  • Any type of closure
    Zippers, buttons, velcro, snaps, hooks, buckles, and stitching all count. Closures are what keep fillings where they should be!

  • Any type of tag
    Tags can be anything from clothing tags to something like a cattle tag. They can also be anywhere on the body, but have to be visible. 


Aquaghoul (Ghoulhood Subtype)

Visual Trait Index

Aquatic ghouls (shortened to Aquaghouls) are spirits who possess or inhabit a body that is made of a waterproof plastic or rubber. They are often filled with air, which lets them float in water or any other kind of liquid. They have a specific type of headgear needed.

  • Aquaghouls can also simply be made of waterproof fabric as well. To swim in the water, most of them have easy to access slits in unnoticeable places to put weight in.
    For emergency fixes, these ghouls usually carry around some kind of sealant. Then, heat can be used to seal the plastic back together, creating a type of scar.
    These ghouls also commonly have webbed paws or hands to propel them through the water.

  • You need an Aquaghoul MYO Token to create this type of ghoul.

Mandatory traits for this type of ghoul
Each subtype has a specific set of traits that are required.

  • Any type of closed, airtight helmet, swimming head accessories, or gills
    Helmets can be made of glass, plastic, or any other hard material.
    Goggles, aquabreathers and other types of accessories are allowed.
    Gills are a popular choice for ghouls with an Aquatic body species.
    Hoods are allowed, it's just uncommon amongst ghouls. 

  • Any type of closure that has a seal
    Water valves, plugs, tape, sealed holes (glue, caulk, etc) are all parts of aquaghouls. There can be no zippers, no velcro. Anything that will eventually let water in is not allowed. To keep the ghoul safe, it must be airtight and not allow water inside. Liquids spell danger for ghouls since liquids have denser molecules than air does.

  • Buoyant/weighted fillings
    Fillings are usually air and some kind of weight. If using a filling that isn't air, it must be fully contained inside of the ghoul. If a ghoul gets waterlogged, it could mean trouble since they will be trapped at the bottom of a body of water.

  • Tags
    Tags are very tricky to attach to an aquaghoul, since nothing can puncture the ghoul's body. Due to this, bracelets with tag charms are allowed along with necklaces. Sometimes tags can be sown inside of the plastic and sealed, but it is a difficult task and pulling on/ripping the tag increases the risk of a ghoul getting waterlogged.


Ghoulbot (Ghoulhood Subtype)

Visual Trait Index

Ghoulbots are spirits that possess robotic bodies. They're able to make a body in the form of a robot to help them navigate the physical realm easier. They have a glass plate for their face and either have a built-in headpiece or show holograms of the spirit that's possessing them, the zipper and tag has also evolved into a music box that they also can charge their body from, though some still keep their tag.

Mandatory traits for this type of ghoul
Each subtype has a specific set of traits that are required.

  • Screen or Hologram Hood

  • Antenna

  • Music Box or Tag

  • Zipper or Valve

  • Fillings

Wereghoul (Ghoulhood Subtype)

Visual Trait Index

Wereghouls are ghoulhoods with the ability to shapeshift, either into other animals or in more powerful forms.
They're larger and stronger than your average ghoul, and have strong claws and sharp teeth. Wereghouls traditionally use skulls as armour for safer fighting.

  • You need a Wereghoul MYO Token to create this type of ghoul.

Mandatory traits for this type of ghoul
Each subtype has a specific set of traits that are required.

  • Big Claws

  • Skull Headpiece

  • Zipper

  • Fillings

  • Tag

Draghoul (Ghoulhood Subtype)

Visual Trait Index

Dragouls are mythical spirits from ancient times. They can control powerful elemental magic, and since their magic is so strong, their spirit energy has burst itself through the fabric. They developed new headwear - masks - which help them block out the residual magic after they use a spell so they don't injure themselves. They have an 'ancient form' where they transform into their real dragon form.

  • You need a Draghoul MYO Token to create this type of ghoul.

Mandatory traits for this type of ghoul
Each subtype has a specific set of traits that are required.

  • Any Horns

  • Big Claws

  • Mask

  • Tag

  • Zipper

  • Fillings
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